Monday, August 1, 2011

New School Year

I will be a senior in 2 weeks from today. I can't believe I am graduating. I have a whole year though :) but I am starting to get really stressed out about college applications. I haven't really figured out where I want to apply yet. I have a couple places in mind though. I have to take the ACT again because I REALLY want a higher score. It will improve my chances of getting into the colleges that I want to go to.

I am excited to be a senior. I am finally a top dog :) but senior year is supposed to be fun and relaxed but I still have SO MANY classes to take. I really didn't finish any of my credits that I needed to so I still have to take a science class and English class (but I am taking a college English class so that is a little bit better) and half a year of math online. this sucks! I am glad I get my electives though. my electives this year are madrigals, hyperion and drama IIII.

Well, I recently went to New York City and I guess I never blogged about it!! so I will now. This trip to New York was the most incredible experience of my life. I loved every minute of it and I never wanted to come home! I went to see 6 Broadway shows and they were all incredible. I was crying a little bit at most of them :) It made me think that I really want to pursue theatre in college. It was INCREDIBLY HOT the whole time I was there. So I was basically always sweating :) We walked almost everywhere, we also had subway passes and I had so much fun taking the subway. I took so many pictures because I wanted to remember everything. I went to a wax museum. That was one of my favorite things to do. I got pictures with all of the celebrities. It felt real to me :) I loved going to New York. It was definitely worth saving and fund-raising all year!!

Well thanks to all who read these :) (if anyone even does)

I will try to blog again soon!

Oh yeah, I have recently developed a love for twitter, so follow me there too!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

blog :)

My best friend so-kindly reminded me that I haven't blogged for a long time. and I remembered that I really love it. so I decided to blog.

I have been so busy with school!! but I am so excited for summer. This year has been SO CRAZY! My brother, Dane, got struck by lightning... I am sure everyone that is reading this blog has already heard about it. They flew us to New York to be on national news. It was amazing :)

My boyfriend is John Marback <3 He is incredible. I love him so much. We have so much fun together. We have been together since New Years eve. So we have been dating for about 5 1/2 months.

You have NO IDEA how excited I am for summer. I have two jobs so I will make BANK! I work at Tuacahn Concessions and Stadium 8. I work with A LOT of popcorn :)

I am going to NEW YORK CITY, again. on June 6!! I am seeing 6 Broadway Shows. It is going to be the most incredible trip of my life. I know if is going to be an unforgettable experience.

Also, tomorrow is a very special Day!! It is PROM. I am going with John of course. Also my best friend Lauren Newman is in our group :) We are going swimming for our day date then we are going to dinner at Anasazi Steak House (Fancy Schmancy) then heading over to prom. I love my dress so much. but I am sure I will post lots of pictures.

A movie that I have been so excited about for a longggg longgg time opens today. It is called "Something Borrowed" it is a RomCom. My favorite kind :)

So I guess that is pretty much it for now. Thanks for following me. I probably only have like... one follower now. So comment if you are following so I know who I am talking to.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

My dad's computer...

Friday, September 24, 2010

Yearbook :)

I have finished my page on Taio Cruz.
so I am blogging.
I am pretty sure only one person reads this.
and that is Laura Boyer, she might not even read it anymore.... Ha.

If anyone is just bored and wants to see some hilarious videos on youtube search 'teenage dream (with me)' I almost peed my pants the first time I watched it.

well I am not allowed to attach pictures apparently... bummer.
so this is going to be kind of a boring post.
but whateva :)

thanks to everyone that reads my blog, I will try to post more often.

p.s. I got an MRI today, I hate those.
and to make matters worse... I had to get a shot!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Long Time, No Blogging :)

I thought about it, and I haven't posted in really long time.

I was pretty sad, so I Figured i would start now.

So a week ago I got my wisdom teeth out, that is part of the reason that I haven't been on here in so long. It is still pretty painful sometimes. It is the only surgery I have ever gotten, so it was pretty traumatizing for me... I still can't open my mouth to it's full capacity. but you know, I gotta give it time. so I have to eat very small things, that will fit in the small opening. (I realize that I could get a pretty good "that's what she said" joke out of that.)

My Niece is here right now. She is the most adorable baby in this entire world!! I LOVE her so much!! She is leaving pretty soon though. I am so so sad. She just started smiling and she is such a smiley baby. And she smells so good! I Love how babies smell. oh I just love being with her. I am going to miss her when she is gone.

Shakespeare has been a whole heap of fun, I can't wait until Renn. Feast and Shakes. Competition. It is going to be incredible.

I just put my first payment for New York in. So it is official, I'M GOING! But it is going to be a LOT of work. because my job ends when the shows end, and that is pretty soon.

Everyone, if you are not participating, but your tickets to the Renn Feast! It is going to be a blast and everyone that attends will have so much fun :) and do me a solid and put your ticket under me so that I can have a portion for me to go towards New York :) That would be great.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I am a Junior :)

I love being a junior. I feel like a big girl now.
Hahaha I am finally an upper classman!! I am so excited for my junior year! I know that it is going to be so much fun. It has only been two days and it has been great. I am so excited to have Maureen back at school with me and I know that all of my classes are going to be a blast!

So yeah... I Just wanted to give you a little update.
that's basically it as of now.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

vacation time :))

Since last monday I have been up north with my best friend Aubrey Anderson. We went to bear lake and we went Jet Skiing and Horse Back riding (My horse sucked) and it has been so much fun.

The best part of it all was when we went to Lagoon yesterday. We rode like almost every single ride! our favorite ride though was called 'Odysea' it's a kiddy ride. But it goes around in circles and as you go around you are trying not to get hit with water, well Aubrey and I tried to get hit with the water, it's so much more fun that way.

We also went to Pickleville Playhouse (it's a small theatre) and saw two shows, Crazy For You and Bandito Rides Again, by the way Bandito Rides Again is the funniest show you'll ever see. We spent a lot of time on the lake and got some sun before school starts :)
I am so excited for school to start. I will finally be really busy and have something to do with my life. I am so sick of sitting around and watching t.v.
Finallyyyyyy... summer have been long.